Mary Cash is a Christ Follower, wife, mother of 6 children, Retired Pharmacist, Master Beekeeper, Teacher/Educator of anything honey bee, Harley enthusiast, part time quilter and world traveler

Mary Cash:
"Now that is a definite smirk if I ever did see one! One of my girls "got me" on my cheek just under my right eye as I was walking down to the apiary to start my day's work.
I immediately scraped out the stinger and reveled in the dawn of a new day. My immune system gets a definite jump start from a honey bee sting."
Mary Cash Education
- Duanesburg Central High School- NY State Regents Diploma
- Richard Bland College (Branch of William & Mary) AA Degree
- Medical College of Virginia, School of Pharmacy BS Degree
- Virginia State Master Beekeeper Program (VSBA)- Mary is the 1st female to be certified as a Master Beekeeper through the Virginia State Beekeepers Association
Mary Cash - Beekeeper
Mary Cash, is a Master Beekeeper who runs a hands-on teaching apiary demonstrating bee colony management. She uses the langstroth hive bodies with continual splitting of colonies to go from 2 small nucs to keeping 100+ colonies and selling over 60 nucs annually. She was able to do this with only purchasing 10 additional queens in the first three years of managing her apiary and now rearing her own survival stock.
Mary first became an Apprentice beekeeper, then a Journeyman beekeeper and is now a Master beekeeper. Her repertoire includes doing colony consultations, setting up apiaries and mating yards, assembling an assortment of beekeeping equipment including frames and hive bodies. She especially enjoys helping others learn about the ins and outs of our Amazing honey bees.
Mary's Awards & Recognition
- Master Beekeeper VSBA (Virginia State Beekeepers Association Certified)