There are numerous helpful beekeeper resources available both online and locally. These are several that we highly recommend. Engulf yourself in the study of bees!! It is fun and rewarding!
We are HUGE fans of Fields of Gold Shenandoah Valley's Farm Trail and you be should too! You can discover the home-grown side of Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley all in one place!
You can check them out on Facebook too!

Shenandoah Valley Beekeepers Association
The Shenandoah Valley Beekeepers Association (SVBA) serves its members, the local community, and the honeybee for which humans are dependent upon. The club promotes the keeping of honeybees in order to increase the local honeybee population, has monthly meetings, and supports the local beekeepers in Shenandoah Valley.

The Virginia State Beekeepers Association provides conferences, classes, master beekeeping certifications, support and resources for beekeepers of Virginia.
Mary earned her Virginia State Master Beekeeper certification through the VSBA.

The EAS provides beekeeper resources in the form of education, conferences, beekeeper certification and research grants. Mary is a lifetime member of the Eastern Apicultural Society.

Apimondia also known as the International Federation of Beekeepers' Associations provides a forum for the world to come together to face common challenges within the beekeeping sectors.

All serious beekeepers should subscribe to the American Bee Journal.
C.P. Dadant wrote, “I want the American Bee Journal to be the finest publication about bees and beekeeping in the world.”
Today's editors of the publication, have this as their goal and guiding light.
Bee Culture, The Magazine Of American Beekeeping is another "must have" for beekeepers!
Covering all the important topics for beekeepers a 12 month membership also gives you a beautiful beekeeping calendar.